This blog is run by a group of cool chicks who met through various shared interests and discovered that we all like to read and talk about ourselves. So this blog is the perfect place for that. We'll review YA books and whatever else tickles our fancy.

About a year ago, Oreo ran a contest with two American Idol people that you probably haven't heard of/don't remember and they asked us... when it comes to Cakesters are you #TEAMDUNK or #TEAMNODUNK. (That means do you keep your cakester pure or do you dunk it in milk like a crazy person?)

Clearly, #TEAMNODUNK is superior but not everyone can comprehend that so we've been having this debate ever since. Hence the blog title.

Meet the Ladies of Cool Chicks & Cakesters

Liana -- Twitter/Tumblr

Tracy -- Twitter


Okay: Awesome
Good: Awesome Awesome
Great: Awesome Awesome Awesome

And if something is atrocious... then we'll tell you to SAVE THE MILK FOR THE COOKIES!

Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy. And remember...


Ice cold milk is for Oreo cookies
Not for Cakesters, they are great
but they are definitely NOT for dunking
Take those dark delicious cookies and dunk em like you're s'posed to.
But these moist delicious snack cakes should be eaten
Save your milk for just the cookies!
Oreo Cakesters SHOULD. NOT. BE. DUNKED.


O O O Ice cold milk and an Oreo Cakester
They may tell you not to dunk them
But that's mis-information
Put that Moist delicious Snackcake in that icy cold sensation
Did I mention that it's awesome, awesome, awesome?
Dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk!
Milk was made for the Oreo Cakester!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Book Review: 101 Places Not to Visit

Book: 101 Places Not To Visit
Author: Adam Russ
Cakester Rating: Awesome Awesome Awesome

With a tagline that reads “Your Essential Guide to the World’s Most Miserable, Ugly, Boring and Inbred Destinations”, 101 Places Not To Visit is exactly what it says it is. It is a compilation of 101 places in the world that you would not want to visit. Some of these places you would not even think of visiting in the first place such as Mogadishu or Kosovo and some that you would not expect to see on there like London or Orlando, Florida (yes, the home of the world’s most famous mouse is listed).

Divided up by continent, 101 Places is an abrasive and hilarious look at the places that you should probably do your best to avoid or that will make you think twice when you are planning that family vacation. Each entry begins with a opening sentence that drips with sarcasm about that particular city. It has a “star system” that rates Boredom Rating and the Likelihood of Fatal Visit. It also tells you Essential Packing and Most Likely Cause of Death. Here is an excerpt:


The country that gave the world bagpipes, kilts and the inspiration for Mel Gibson’s first attempt at rewriting history has a capital city as representative of its people as Friends is of the people of New York.

Country: Scotland

Boredom Rating: **
Likelihood of Fatal Visit: *
Essential Packing: Audience participation indemnity card
Most Likely Cause of Death: Audience participation in a production of Macbeth

As was mentioned before, Russ is an equal opportunity offender, leaving no place unscathed. There is absolutely no sugar coating here. The book offers a brief history of each location, which is helpful but due to the nature of the book, it has a more negative skew to it. If you are looking for a more well rounded history of a certain place in this book, I would recommend going to Google. If you are into humor/non-fiction books and even if they aren’t exactly your thing, go out and buy it if you want a good chuckle.



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